Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's over

Finally, the first monthly test had just over.
And now i just have to wait for the results.
Well i'm really putting high hopes on myself for this first monthly test.

Hurm~ lama gile tak update kn ?
How i wish i can bring lappy to school.
There's too many things that had happen for this whole month.
Sedih, kene lecture, happy, excited, nervous, macam2 ad.
About yang kene lecture tu, mls la nk cerita.
Just some misunderstanding.
Tapi i am still not quite satisfied because tak tau orang da tau the truth ke tak.
But things are getting better right now.
Huh~ da la mase tu a week before exam.
Anyway, i forgive all the people that had misunderstood or the people that had made them
This is life in STF. Happy, kene marah ngn cikgu or seniors, kene jaki, 
it's a common thing in there.
Alhamdulillah i had my friends that were always been there when i needed them .
And Alhamdulillah again because i could answer the first monthly test peacefully .

So right now, 
i just need to turn around and leave those people yang tak penat2 
menyusahkan orang . what i have to do is, 
just go with the flow, babe.

p/s : hopefully i will get high marks for my exam :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011


"love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime
and never let go till we're gone"
-my heart will go on-
one of my favourite lyrics in this song.
tomorrow night ad movie titanic kt channel 5 ( singapore ).
wanna watch it like hell!
da la it's one of mmy favourite movies. though ending die sedih.
but i love it.

anyway, babes and dude GOODBYE.

"love isn't finding a perfect person. it's seeing an imperfect person perfectly."

i'm leaving.

maybe this will be my last post for this holiday :)
gonna leave my home, my family, my room, 
senang cerita,
gonna leave the outside world.
just got the news from my friends, 
that kitorang kene balek before 5 o'clock.
oh my~
i think my face was kinda like that just now.
haha ~
gonna have my first test two weeks more.
woohoo~  a bit nervous about it.
REALLY praying that i'll get straight As for my coming test.
anyway, gonna leave my home a few hours later,
so i'm saying
but just for this week okay.
so again i'm saying
good bye :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

i'm feeling enchanted , babe.

phew~ finally managed to finish my homework :)
dah2. stop talking about homework.

yeah. watched this movie yesterday night.
i don't know why lah. but everytime about three or two days before i'll be back in STF, mesti nk tgok movie yg happy ending cm nie. one way for me to cheer up myself, by watching this kind of movies :)
oh~ i'm feeling enchanted rite now~ haha :)

anyway, it's already Sunday rite now.
a few hours later, i'll be back in my 'LOVELY' and 'ALL TIME FAVOURITE' school. huh.

That's how you know


How does she know you love her? 
How does she know she's yours? 

How does she know that you love her? 

How do you show her you love her? 

How does she know that you really, really, truely love her? 
How does she know that you love her? 
How do you show her you love her? 
How does she know that you really, really, truely love her? 

It's not enough to take the one you love for granted 
You must remind her, or she'll be inclined to say... 
"How do I know he loves me?" 
(How does she know that you love her? 
How do you show her you love her?) 
"How do I know he's mine?" 
(How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?) 

Well does he leave a little note to tell you you are on his mind? 
Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey? Heyy! 
He'll find a new way to show you, a little bit everyday 
That's how you know, that's how you know! 
He's your love... 

You've got to show her you need her 
Don't treat her like a mind reader 
Each day do something to need her 
To believe you love her 

Everybody wants to live happily ever after 
Everybody wants to know their true love is true... 
How do you know he loves you? 
(How does she know that you love her? 
How do you show her you need her?) 
How do you know he's yours? 
(How does she know that you really, really, truely-)

Well does he take you out dancin' just so he can hold you close? 
Dedicate a song with words in 
Just for you? Ohhh!

He'll find his own way to tell you 
With the little things he'll do 
That's how you know 
That's how you know! 

He's your love 
He's your love... 

That's how you know 
(la la la la la la la la) 
He loves you 
(la la la la la la la la) 
That's how you know 
(la la la la la la la la) 
It's true
(la la la la la)

Because he'll wear your favorite color
Just so he can match your eyes
Rent a private picnic
By the fires glow-oohh!

His heart will be yours forever 
Something everyday will show 
That's how you know 
(That's how you know) 
That's how you know 
(That's how you know) 
That's how you know 
(That's how you know) 
That's how you know 
(That's how you know) 
That's how you know 
(That's how you know) 
That's how you know 
(That's how you know) 
That's how you know! 

He's your love... 

That's how she knows that you love her 
That's how you show her you love her 

That's how you know...
That's how you know... 
He's your love...

Friday, February 4, 2011


I don't like 
hope very much.
In fact, I hate it. 
It hooks you fast and
kills you hard.
It's bad news.
The worst.
It's a sharp sticks
and cherry bombs.
When hope shows up,
it's only a matter 
of time
until someone
gets hurt.

Yes, i do hate hopes.
But still,
dreams are my favourite.

True Loves Kiss

oh~ i do dream of true love's kiss :)

homework :)

homework b'jln.

L.A.Z.Y. and M.A.L.A.S.

I don't know what's wrong with me sampai boleh jadi malas cm ni .
Hadoih +.+ 
Homework still berlambak gilaa, and yet, still not touched. 
Huh . Feeling like I WANNA BE A SLEEPING BEAUTY. Can someone call the witch and cast the spell on me? Just can't help it lah.
 Boleh tak ?
Before holiday, dh plan nk start doing my homework straight away,
pastu delay. Plan buat hri Isnin pulak, then my heart says,' Hey, just chill and have some fun first, okay ?' So tangguh lagi hri Selasa. Nk stalk blog org lah pulak. Wednesday, nk tgok korean drama lah. dah lama tak tgok, kn. Smpi la ke mlm and to the midnight, tgok Ella Enchanted, (credits to my sister who lent me her lappy).
ini cerita best sgt2. and the actress is one of my fav.
funny + sweet . 
yeah, for me who love fairy tales and will always do.
and after tgok movie Ella Enchanted ni, my eyelids are getting heavy,, so, ape lagi, zzz..
And sampai la hri ni, my cousin came. Lagi la tak jadi nk buat homework yg menimbun tu. you'll never know how me and her will be.
 bile dah gossip tak reti nk berhenti.

and that's us yang gila2 .
sooo crazy till our hairs are like those scary and freaky witches.
mine especially.
haha. i love her a lot :)
less than three, <3.
anyway, baru set my alarm clock. wanna wake up early today(sbb da 1 pagi da ni.) harap2 bole la. insyaallah.
and tomorrow semua homework MESTI SIAP.
hurgh . da tak tau lagi nk buat cm ne da ni.
my laziness level is going way too high rite now.
okay, the owl needs to get some rest .
(ad ke? merapu je.)
so. nite2.
or shall i say morning?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Colour Guards, my life

Maybe ramai yang tak tahu pasal Colour Guards ni,
but for those who their school ade marching band, for sure diorang tau lah kan.
Colour Guards, it's a part of band.
Mase band tga marching smartly and playing their instruments,
Colour Guards will play their instruments too, which are, flags or rifles or maybe dancing.
Macam ni lah.
nampak tak yang tga pegang flag tu? yes, that's them.
and, i'm one of them.
tapi bukan band yang ni lah. haha.
Colour Guards STF, that's me.
without cg maybe my life in STF would be full of boredom ! 
maybe, memang sometimes balek dorm lambat sbb practise habes lambat. and then kene pergi mufaz(surau) lagi, after that. 
 but at least, i have something to do dekat STF tu. besides studying. last year, igt lagi mase ad comp. 
habes je skola, tros tukar baju and practice kat astaka. 
mase dlm three or five days before the comp lagi lah. 
pnat gilaaa mcm ape. and my skin pon dpt sunburn +.+
sedeh gilaa!! dapat sunburn. but lastly, dpt masok comp smpi world.
okay, ni baru betol2 marching band STF.
okay,, yg kt depan semua tu bandgirls yg smart,
and kt blkg tu baru Colour Guards.
Actually this is last year's picture, time sportsday.
Anyway, the thing i miss the most about last year in Colour Guards is practising with F5.
they are one of those who have made me tough and stay as a Colour Guards. Tpi not just in Colour Guards but also in STF. sbb klu kt STF mmg kene tough.
maybe ad yang tanye, 'tak penat ke?' 
or maybe, 'baik kau masok bende lain.'
But for me, bile lagi nk merasa bende ni semua kn?
Besides, I ALREADY LOVE IT, okay?
Dulu mase primary school, aku slalu masuk dance performance klu ad annual school concert. 
So, last year mase masok STF, ad seniors yg promote Colour Guards. And ad jugak promote Band.
Mase tu actually nak masok band, but then, bile fikir2 balik, aku minat dancing, 
so, better masok Colour Guards. And, now i'm one of them :)
Although there were times bile ad something happen yg mmbuatkn aku nk quit Colour Guards, tapi bile fikir pasal last year, and those things i've gone through last year, memang sayang gile klu nk tgglkn cm tu je .
My mommy is one of the obstacles i need to go through in being a Colour Guards.
Die bukannye tak kasi but tak menggalakkan je. Maybe die tak nak the same thing happen like last year. Last    year, mase awal taon, klu balek je slalu nanges sbb CG (hurgh i'm a crybaby, i admit.) Tpi after a while, aku dah okay and i started to love it damn much. 
But maybe skrg mommy dh okay. 
Alhamdulillah my exam results pon okay, so my mommy dah tak kisah sangat lah KOT.
Despite menghalang or maybe disagree of me being a Colour Guards, my mommy 
ni lah yg selalu give support to me when i was a crybaby (dulu).
Thanks, mommy .
AND also, my ayah, family, best friends and those who were there for me.
Thanks a lot YOU ALL !
Anyway, being a Colour Guard had thought me being a tough girl in STF and i hope it always will. 

For all my teammates,
I love you all :)
saranghae :)

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year! ( Its the RABBIT year )
gud bye tiger ....
I'm hearing the fireworks here and there right now .
Though it's a bit noisy and annoying but, i love it :)
Chinese New Year made me remember of my Chinese friends in my primary school.
I miss them actually, but I've lost contact with most of  them. 
I had more Chinese friends more than Malay friends during my primary school.
Yeah, it's weird right? I know.
But what to do, mommy and ayah sent both me and my sister to a school 
where there were more Chinese than Malays.
I was quite awkward with it, but i got used to it and they became my best friends!
Shared my laughter and happiness with them. Even the sad ones.
When i was in primary six mommy and ayah shifted me to another school 
which is , 
Sekolah Kebangsaan Nong Chik.
There, i met new friends and found new bestfriends.
I started forgetting about my old bestfriends and started to lose contact with them.
Haih. And now i'm regretting it. 
Whatever it is, i'm hoping that they will someday accidentally or MAYBE purposely drop by my blog 
and read this post.
And i just wanna say,
not to forget,
Gong Xi Fa Cai                          

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

a new start :)

okay, this is my very first time writing a post for my blog.
 so, hello!
i've been longing to create a blog as my friends are always asking me, 
"hey, do you have a blog?" 
or they would say
"can i have ur link?"
quite embarassing,
and a bit let's say I'M SO SICK OF THOSE!
okay, relax .
phew~ haha :D
sorry for that :)
anyway, again i'm saying